The SET Blog

Introducing the SET dashboard!

As a sales professional, whats the first application you should be launching every morning? It’s not Facebook or Instagram that’s for sure…

SET (and any other CRM that’s worth its weight in gold) collects all kinds of vital information about customers and prospects ensuring the correct, up-to-date and actionable information is available at all times. Our dashboard feature provides a single business scorecard in one glance. Manage to-do’s, pending sales opportunities, alerts, overdue activities, new leads and those juicy opportunities you are due to close in the next 6 months all on one screen. No more hunting around for information from multiple reports and endless post-it notes!

Up to Date Information in One Click

Our dashboard feature will put an end to outdated data. In a simple click, you can refresh the dashboard and know exactly whats happening in your business right now. Nothing is more powerful than real-time sales information delivered at the drop of a hat.

An Early Warning System for Potential Issues

Spot potential business problems before they happen. Easy-to-use visual tools enable you to identify trends. Drill down on capabilities and dig into your underlying data using the reporting tools to identify any weaknesses in your business.

Your Own Personal Dashboard

SET’s dashboard will allow you to view exactly the right information that you need for your role, highlighting vital information and expectations for quick up-to-date identification. This information can be easily and securely distributed to share data within your team at any time.

Being able to access a score card of key performance indicators from across your business is just one click away! Feature rich, easy-to-use software to organise, log and analyse your sales data. SET helps your sales team SOAR.

Try for Free

Further reading...

How could a sales CRM help you to grow your business this year?

In the evolving world of sales and business development, one three-letter acronym is a popular industry name: CRM. A ubiquitous sales tool, using a CRM doesn’t only make your sales teams lives a lot easier, it will also help your company to enjoy accelerated growth. So, what is a CRM? A Customer Relationship Management system […]

The 4 Must-Have Elements of a Bulletproof Sales Proposal

Do you ever place yourself into your buyer’s shoes before putting together a proposal? What would be the first thing they notice about the proposal? What vital piece of information are they looking for? Here’s our 4 must-have elements of a bulletproof sales proposal.  1. Look and feel. How does the proposal document actually look […]

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