The SET Blog

How to Use SET Most Effectively

For small to medium sized businesses our CRM software solution can be a lifesaver. SET can help track vital data, such as how customer interactions are going and who you are reaching out to. SET can help you sort through customer data in innovative and powerful ways, doing anything from helping you predict customer needs to processing sales and managing customer relationships through our features available. Here are few tips on how to do just that.

Train everyone on how to use SET properly

SET has many features which your sales team won’t be able to utilise effectively if they don’t know how to use it. Rather than hoping that they can identify the key features they need for their role, make sure you incorporate a thorough review of our solution into employee training when implementing SET into your business going over all of the features in detail. This training needs to be very clear and should give employees enough time to get comfortable with the system. Consider training your team over several days, as well as refreshers so they learn about everything SET can do for them and don’t forget as soon as they walk out the door. On request, the team here at SET are happy to provide a live demonstration of our software solution.

Improve customer service through keeping on top of relationships

One of the important and powerful things SET can do is help you monitor and review full details of every customer interaction. You can take advantage of this by logging customer feedback when it’s given and make it part of the documentation process. By doing this, you can create an effective database of feedback which means employees can search through SET to identify any strengths or weaknesses in your company’s setup. By documenting the right information, SET will turn into a powerful tool for multiple departments, not just the sales team.

SET doesn’t have to be limited to standard use by just monitoring and tracking customer interactions. With our help, some innovation and creativity, you can effectively incorporate its capabilities into multiple business departments to help maximise and improve customer relationships for your growing business.

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Further reading...

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